George Washington Video

How did George Washington turn a rag-tag group of men into a disciplined fighting machine? [iframe width=”480″ height=”320″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen] Source: George Washington Video – George Washington –

George Washington takes command of Continental Army

On this day in History, Washington takes command of Continental Army on Jul 03, 1775. On this day in 1775, George Washington rides out in front of the American troops gathered at Cambridge common in Massachusetts and draws his sword, formally taking command of the Continental Army. Washington, a prominent Virginia planter and veteran of… Continue reading George Washington takes command of Continental Army

US History |Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was the first official step for the colonies to become a nation.   Colonies belong to a country.  Things the colonies produced belonged to a country, not to the colonistsColonies are ruled by a country and they must follow the laws.  But colonies do not participate in national government.  They do not…

US History |Declaration of Independence was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Civil Rights |Glossary and Terms

These are important words and ideas to understand to learn about Civil Rights. Affirmative Action – A group of policies that help to benefit groups that have been discriminated against based on race or gender. Americans with Disabilities Act – This law was passed in 1990 giving the disabled the same protections against discrimination as…

Civil Rights |Glossary and Terms was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Civil Rights Act of 1964

 Taken from: Civil Rights for Kids The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of the most important civil rights laws in the history of the United States. It outlawed discrimination, ended racial segregation, and protected the voting rights of minorities and women. President Lyndon Johnson signing the law Background The Declaration of Independence…

Civil Rights Act of 1964 was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Civil Rights |Jim Crow Laws

Taken from: Civil Rights for Kids: Jim Crow Laws  What were the Jim Crow laws? Jim Crow laws were laws in the South based on race. They enforced segregation between white people and black people in public places such as schools, transportation, restrooms, and restaurants. They also made it difficult for black people to vote.When…

Civil Rights |Jim Crow Laws was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Occupation: Civil Rights Leader Born: January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, GA Died: April 4, 1968 in Memphis, TN Best known for: Advancing the Civil Rights Movement and his “I Have a Dream” speech Biography: Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights activist in the 1950s and 1960s. He led non-violent protests to fight for…

Martin Luther King, Jr. was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Civil Rights Movement |links

  To learn more about Civil Rights go to these links to Duckster, a site for kids: Movements African-American Civil Rights Movement Apartheid Disability Rights Native American Rights Slavery and Abolitionism Women’s Suffrage Major Events Jim Crow Laws Montgomery Bus Boycott Little Rock Nine Birmingham Campaign March on Washington Civil Rights Act of 1964 Civil Rights…

Civil Rights Movement |links was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Benjamin Franklin

  1706-1790 He is considered to be one of the greatest Americans that ever lived. He was the only person to sign the four key documents of American History:The Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, and the Constitution of the United States. By serving as…

Benjamin Franklin was originally published on Toni's ESL Space

Declaration of Independence |easy

It was written by Thomas Jefferson, although Jefferson wanted John Adams to write it. But Adams knew Jefferson, being a Virginian, would help sway the southern states The Second Continental Congress appointed John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman to come up with a declaration of independence. Upon adopting the…

Declaration of Independence |easy was originally published on Toni's ESL Space